Share your Club's News
Your club news is important.  Your club members, other Rotarians in District &, of course, members of the public are interested in it.  As DG Ian says in this week's eNews:
"Telling Club stories does two things we need.  Firstly, they showcase our causes and our success; and secondly, they celebrate and thank our Rotarians.  Think about your weekly bulletin and how popular the photos of members in action are.  The website is where members of other Clubs and the the public can look in and see who we are and what we are doing.
"I would like to see stories that pull the heartstrings, that show off our successes and that show Rotarians in action.  If you write it like a press release, preferably in word and with photos separate, it can go up on the website to really showcase our Clubs and Rotarians.  Send stories in to the Editorial team ( who can also put a shorter version on Facebook, which is where I suspect they will have the most impact on the public".
In addition to DG Ian's suggestion, District has a Club News & Events blog which provides an avenue for Rotary, Rotaract, & Interact clubs to contribute articles and news of interest to Rotarians in our District.  That provides an alternate way to get the news to us - see the instructions here.
Whichever way Club News stories are submitted, they will be published on the District website, in eNews, on the blog, & on Facebook where appropriate.