Bev Cooney is technically a member of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill.  She’s moved to live at Bathurst recently, and meets with the Bathurst Rotary Club there when she’s in-country.
In a recent letter to the club, she described the first two weeks of her current visit to Peru.
" ... (The Shining Path is) a rebel group of terrorists who over the last 30 years have killed many thousands of people here in Peru. 30 years ago they kidnapped many women and used them as baby making machines. A couple of weeks ago these women and many children were rescued by the military from the deep jungle and have been taken to a camp in Mazamari ... 

"Because of my previous work in the town I was able to go there the other day to see what I could do to help. With an interpreter I was able to communicate with them and ask what they want and what they need. ..."
See the letter and photos here