A project of the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills, Vic

Rebuilding communities … together
Disaster Aid Australia:
- Was founded as a project of the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills.
- Has members/volunteers from across Australia;
- Is a member of Disaster Aid International, a partnership of Rotary Based organisations dedicated to providing Humanitarian Aid.
- Respond to disasters with the supply of humanitarian aid in the with ‘Smart Aid‘ to the affected communities and/or individuals until the needs are reasonably addressed.
- Responds to the disaster of contaminated water with ‘Safe Water for Every Child‘ by providing SkyHydrants to schools and communities;
- Train volunteers in administering humanitarian relief and aid;
- Provide education and training in aspects of disaster relief to individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and other organisations; and
- Works in partnership on humanitarian projects funded by other organisations, including Rotary clubs and Rotary districts.
For more information you can check out: https://www.disasteraidaustralia.org.au/
Or email: admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au