Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)
Will be held from
4.30pm Friday 16th Feb. 2024 to
3.30pm Sunday 18th Feb. 2024
Sydney Academy of Sport (SAS),
Wakehurst Parkway, Narrabeen 2101
APPROACH SCHOOLS NOW (seeking existing year 9 students that will be entering year 10 in 2024).
Student nomination forms are included in the information packs and will be received by Melanie Lewis. More detailed registrations are captured within the SAS portal via a link emailed to students in December.
For the action plan for clubs, click HERE.
For the information pack for Schools, Parents, Carers, click HERE
For more information, click HERE.
Melanie Lewis
(Rotary Social Impact Network)
Chair – Summer RYPEN
Winter RYPEN 2024 will be held from
11.00am 14th June 2024 to
2.00pm 16th June 2024
Blue Gum Lodge, Springwood
For the Information Pack for Clubs, click
For the Information Pack for Schools, Parents, Carers click HERE
For more information, click HERE
Feedback from the 2023 Winter RYPEN, held in June 2023
We have received
phenomenal feedback from clubs, participants and parents alike, here is a sample of what we have received - check out our Facebook page for all our feedback -, or click HERE for more information about the fedback from participants and parents.
In the Information Pack, you find links to the application forms. The completed Application Forms will be forwarded to
Amanda Barnes
(Rotary Social Impact Network)
Chair - Winter RYPEN
Teenagers today benefit greatly from opportunities to develop "life skills" and motivation to help them cope with the challenges of a very competitive future.
Pressure is put on students to perform academically and their results are the benchmark of success. However other skills are needed for the next stage of a student's growth, be that further education or the workplace.
Pressure is put on students to perform academically and their results are the benchmark of success. However other skills are needed for the next stage of a student's growth, be that further education or the workplace.
During an intensive residential weekend, young people aged approximately 14 to 16 years will develop increased motivation, improved life skills, better self-image, pride in themselves and an understanding of setting and achieving goals. At the same time, participants are interacting with peers from different backgrounds, and different parts of our district, improving their teamwork skills and having fun!! All this done in an informal atmosphere, where questions and debates are encouraged.
We offer two RYPEN Camps at two different venues. We now have the best of both worlds – a camp which is normally held at the Narrabeen Sydney Academy of Sport & Recreation in summer, and a camp in the beautiful Blue Gum Lodge in Springwood in winter. For 2022, the summer RYPEN will be an on-line activity. The summer RYPEN was held on-line very successfully last year. The information about the winter camp will be updated as soon as possible.
Which students
- Full time students from years 9/10, aged 14-16 years old
- Students who have undeveloped potential
- Students are welcome from both the public and private sector
- This program is aimed towards students who need a helping hand to develop leadership, initiative and responsibility skills
- Contact your local high school Year 9 or 10 Adviser, School Counsellors or Heads of Welfare
- Clubs are encouraged to commit to TWO students for each camp
- We aim at equal numbers of male and female students
Students Achieve
- Improved leadership skills in a non-threatening and supportive environment
- Increased motivation and improved life skills
- Improved self-image and pride
- Develop an understanding of setting and achieving goals
- Increased confidence to overcome problems and take control of their future
- Improved appreciation of diversity
What's in it for the Rotary Club
- Fills a niche in the teenage market
- Supports Rotary's commitment to youth
- Good "bridge" to RYLA, Youth Exchange, and Rotaract
- Great opportunity to build relationships with local schools
Today's RYPENarians are our future Rotaractors, Rotarians, LEADERS
After the event
- Invite your participant(s) back to a club meeting to hear about their experiences
- Invite a local dignitary or sponsor to do the presentation, take a photo and send it to your local paper