What is Vision Facilitation?

“...is not an organisation for retrospection.
It is rather one whose worth and purpose lie in future activity rather than past performance.”
- Paul Harris
What is Vision Facilitation?
Vision Facilitation helps a Rotary club design its OWN VISION, and to set out the steps necessary to achieve that vision. The result is not a vision decided by the Rotary District or by Rotary International: it is a vision designed and agreed by the Club’s own members. The process will help to improve communication and to ensure continuity & consistency in its leadership & programming so as to set the stage for future progress.
The Opportunity
This is an opportunity to bring together as many of the club’s members as possible to share their dreams of its future.
The Outcomes
At the end of the 4-hour process the members of each club will have a clear vision of:
- What the club stands for in its community
- The club’s target membership size in 5 years
- Identification of the club’s attributes
- Top 3 objectives for each Avenue of Service
- Ways to improve club’s leadership development
- Improved communication and understanding
The Club Commitment
Contact the District Vision facilitation chair to discuss process and club responsibilities.
The most crucial club commitment is to actively encourage the maximum number of club members to participate in the process. This is the only way to achieve the consensus needed for maximum results.
The Response
Here’s what others have had to say ...
“We are truly on a new adventure, with a fresh sense of excitement and possibility. Thank you
for making this happen.”
“If other clubs experience the same level of progress that we are enjoying, this truly ranks among the most significant contributions to Rotary that I will experience.”
“It’s so simple, it actually works; the process is sound and easy to follow.”
“The session generated a great deal of enthusiasm and gave the club a point from which to rebuild and progress.”
The Visioning Team
Be part of the District’s Club Vision Facilitation Team |
Please consider getting involved – you will be surprised how much you will get out of supporting Clubs’ reach their vision and potential.
If you would like to join the team to assist or to find out more, please contact the District 9685 Vision Facilitation Director - Robert Bredin (Norwest Sunrise Bella Vista) on 0425 233 783 or email bredin@bigpond.net.au or email clubvisioning@rotarydistrict9685.org.au
The First Step
Please contact the District 9685 Club Vision Facilitation Chair - Robert Bredin, on 0425 233 783 or by email clubvisioning@rotarydistrict9685.org.au