HEERA is an activity of Rotary Australia World Community Service Limited (RAWCS) and assists Australian Rotary Clubs and other charitable organisations to achieve their goals in providing humanitarian aid of in-kind donations by accessing useable, redundant health and educational equipment for their projects.
HEERA is a resource and a support service providing advice and assistance to sort, package and transport these items to communities locally, nationally and internationally. The extensive services of HEERA enables Rotarians and other organisations to undertake international and local projects efficiently and effectively within a regulative framework.
The HEERA brand specifically defines the relevancy and purpose of making a positive impact on the Australian environment by reducing landfill, and achieving sustainability by placing equipment where it is needed and can be used. The brand is one which Rotarians, Governments, Corporates and the general public can connect and share with.
HEERA representatives are available as guest speakers at club meetings.
Club support is imperative, Rotarians and others are invited to volunteer on a regular basis and assist in the preparation of equipment. The facility is open each Thursday between 10:00am – 2:00pm.
Address: Unit 4, 12 – 14 Anella Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Tax deductible donations can be made to: RAWCS Project No: 73-2013-14 via www.rawcs.org.au or the link: https://donations.rawcs.com.au/73-2013-14
For further information please contact:
Alex Donaldson - e: alexdpenrithvalleyrotary.org m: 0414 392 895
PDG David Clark – e: daveclark@westnet.com.au m: 0414 364 812
Janis Harvey – e: jbharvey13@bigpond.com m: 0415 49 022