
“Since ShelterBox began in 2000, your support has helped us provide shelter for more than 1.5 million people. One and a half million people who not only have protection from the elements, but a place to call home.” Alf Evans, ShelterBox Operations Manager
ShelterBox provides worldwide humanitarian aid and relief in the form of a shelter and essential equipment, which provides warmth and comfort to people displaced by natural and other disasters.
ShelterBox Vision is a world where no family is without shelter after a disaster.
ShelterBox Purpose is to provide emergency shelter to families who have lost their home to disasters enabling them to rebuild their lives.
When natural disasters and conflicts rob people of their homes, we can’t wave a magic wand to replace what was lost, but we can help create something new. We can provide people with the tools to start the process of their own recovery.
For more information check out the ShelterBox website
Email: The ShelterBox Representive Rotary District 9685, Johanna Johns at